When Randall Reeder speaks to your group…he is Will Rogers.
“Mr. Rogers Goes to Washington”
Will Rogers Today, the Man Who Brings Him to Life Again.
"I Never Met A Man I Didn't Like" Randall Reeder as Will Rogers - SF Breakfast Club
Leadership tips from Will Rogers and his famous friends
Randall Reeder as Will Rogers pt1
Randall Reeder as Will Rogers pt2
Randall Reeder as Will Rogers pt3
Randall Reeder as Will Rogers pt4
Randall Reeder
Experience the wit and wisdom of an American legend, Will Rogers.
Randall Reeder brings to life the warmth and humor of Will Rogers as he speaks to business and agriculture audiences, and a variety of other groups.
He is more than a “Will Rogers impersonator” or a “Will Rogers impressionist” or “Will Rogers speaker”. You’ll feel like you are in the presence of Will Rogers. If you know Will, this Will Rogers look-alike will make you do a double-take as soon as you lay eyes on him.
As a professional speaker Randall draws on Will Rogers’ published writings and other sources, plus remembrances by Will’s family and acquaintances to customize his presentation based on the interests of the audience. Then he adds observations about life, politics and the world today, presented with the Will Rogers style and grace. The result is an enlightening, inspirational and thoroughly entertaining presentation your group is sure to enjoy.
If requested, Randall includes some photos (PowerPoint slides) of Will, his family and friends to enhance your pleasure of being with ‘Will Rogers’. Randall smoothly blends this ‘high technology’ into his ‘down home’ commentary.
As you visit with ‘Will’ before and after a presentation you will feel the warmth and understanding that made Will Rogers the most beloved American of the 1920’s and 1930’s.
One audience member wrote, “The country needed a Will Rogers back then when things were tough. And we still need one today.”
Randall writes ‘Weekly Comments’ in Will Rogers’ style. To read the current issue and other recent issues, click on the ‘Weekly Comments’ above. If you want to be added to the email list and receive these regularly, just click on ‘Subscribe’.
“I sure liked your speech and your writings. Great stuff.” Jim Rogers (Will’s son) (Note: Jim passed away April 28, 2000)
Randall Reeder’s Book:
Will Rogers —
I Never Met A Farmer
I Didn’t Like
Two ways to order books:
- Send a check to: Randall Reeder, 4779 Baldwin Road, Hilliard, OH 43026-7669 $15 each, plus S&H of $4.00. Or order 3 or more for $15 each, and S&H is free.
- Or order from Amazon: $15 each, plus S&H. (Also available for Kindle, $5.99)

Presentation topics include:
I never met a Farmer I didn’t like
Randall Reeder blends his knowledge and experience in the broad field of agriculture with the eternal wisdom of Will Rogers to entertain and enlighten farmers and agri-business folks today.
Will Rogers Today
Usually this is an after-dinner or luncheon talk, light-hearted and entertaining. Ideal for setting a congenial tone for a casual meeting or as a relaxing break in the middle of a more serious business conference.
What folks are saying about ‘WILL ROGERS TODAY’:
“We had a great night…fundraiser results were terrific. Your performance was ‘top notch’, the weather cooperated, and Perini’s grub satisfied all. All in all it was a first class night. THANKS FOR BEING AN IMPORTANT PART OF THE EVENT!”
George Nichols
Taylor County History Center, Texas (October, 2017)
“Everybody enjoyed your presentation and it was a good end to the convention. Your corset story was a huge hit. I liked the way you kept adjusting your hat just like Will Rogers used to do.”
Gregg Sturge
National Garden Railroad Convention. (Tulsa, Oklahoma, July 2017)
“You have a real talent for writing and thinking like Will. You are helping keep alive a little common sense which is almost a lost cause in this country.”
Bob Murphey (deceased)
Nacogdoches, Texas
“I love your (Weekly Comments). It is like a little slice of Will.”
Dr. Heather Harder
Indiana University Northwest, Gary, Indiana
“We really enjoyed your program. I speak for myself, being a native Oklahoman by birth and now a resident of Ohio, and for my Dad, Everett Butler (age 93), who is a life-long Woodward County Oklahoman who is visiting us, and for my wife Agnes, a North Carolina native of Cherokee lineage. Thanks for excellently and expertly keeping the memory and spirit of Will Rogers alive.”
Roy L. Butler
Columbus, Ohio
“Great ‘report to the nation’. You really tie down what people are thinking — real vision. Will would think out of the box like that.”
Jim Rhode, CSP
2001-2002 National Speakers Association President
“God put Randall Reeder together to remind us of the most admired man in the U.S. in the 20th Century.”
Dale Minnick, CSP, (deceased)
Woodward, Oklahoma
“We had very good comments on your presentation at our 31st Annual Delaware Agricultural Industry Dinner…. there were a few of the young folk that did not know who Will Rogers was, but now they do.”
Lyn Davenport, Chairman
Dover, Delaware
“I loved the way you seemed to pull the political quotes from the back of your mind. You’ve got a real gift in your portrayal of Will Rogers, and I’m glad I got to experience it first-hand.”
David Glickman, Professional Speaker
Brandon, Florida
“The obvious appreciation of your audience (at the 2000 Cornell University Summer Lecture Series) and comments I have heard since make it evident that the community greatly enjoyed your lecture.”
Charles W. Jermy, Jr.
Associate Dean
“…great presentation. The rope tricks were awesome, especially the ones using our members. Your customization was incredible.”
Barb Wingfield, Professional Speaker
Rushsylvania, Ohio
“You had an outstanding presentation. Our older members, who had listened to Will as a young person, were especially vocal in their praise. It brought back fond memories for them.”
Kelso Wessel
London, Ohio
“Your own wit, plus the humor and inspiration of Will Rogers, kept the audience engrossed and listening to the message.”
Rosemarie Rossetti, Ph.D., Professional Speaker
Rossetti Enterprises Inc.,
Columbus, Ohio
“Your ‘Will Rogers’ was a big hit as master of ceremonies for a luncheon during our National No-Till Conference. Your knowledge of agriculture, and your willingness to help out in several ways, makes you a valuable resource. We want you back next year.”
Frank Lessiter, Lessiter Publications, Inc.,
Brookfield, Wisconsin
“Your impression of Will Rogers is excellent. You have his mannerisms down…. I really liked your presentation.”
Fred Beeman, Writer
Las Vegas, Nevada
“Thank you for your portrayal of Will Rogers at our banquet. Our group was amazed at how you presented material from his life specifically tailored for us and the occasion.”
Bruce Yochheim, WMFD-TV,
Mansfield, Ohio
“Your Will Rogers impersonation is unreal! You look and sound just like him.”
Rick Metzger, CSP (Certified Speaking Professional)
Monclova, Ohio
Randall Reeder - a personal profile

- Raised on a livestock farm
- Involved in agriculture entire life (so far!)
- Thirty three years as a university professor
- More than twenty-five year member of NSA Ohio and
the National Speakers Association