COLUMBUS: The last time we talked, it was election night, the votes had not all been counted, and the Democrats still had hope. By early morning, all hope had vanished along with Mr. Mondale, Senator Max Cleland, and whoever was running against Elizabeth Dole.
So the Democrats have turned the whole situation over to the Republicans. They sort of admitted, “George, you’re riding the tall horse, at least for the next two years. You can set your own direction and pace, but we ARE bringing in Nancy Pelosi to nip at your heels once in a while, and bark if the occasion calls for it.”
In other election news, the cockfighters lost in Oklahoma. Now that it’s illegal, profits will likely go up. Look for cockfighting to bring prosperity to Oklahoma like Prohibition did for Chicago.
Did you see where the Parliament in Iraq voted against the UN inspectors, and the next day Saddam over-ruled them? That don’t mean he’s ready to give in, rather he knows it’s his neck on the line, not Parliament’s. He was hoping the Democrats (or maybe France) would save him, but now it kinda looks like he’s depending on bin Laden.
Here in Columbus, they’re holding a convention of real estate investors, and I was invited to annoy them last night. I tell you, after trying for the past two years to cheer up audiences consisting mainly of Wall Street investors (and failing miserably), this was a pleasant change. They were in an optimistic mood when they got here, and if they follow everything the other speakers are scheduled to teach them, they’re liable to double their investment by Christmas. The only thing along that line I could possibly suggest to them was to read a new book called “The One Minute Millionaire”. But they won’t do it; that’s not fast enough for these folks.
I told them something “I” had written about real estate back in 1928. “The government sent the Indians to Oklahoma. They had a treaty that said, ‘You shall have this land as long as grass grows and water flows.’ It was not only a good rhyme but looked like a good treaty, and it was till they struck oil. Then the Government took it away from us again. They said the treaty only refers to ‘Water and Grass; it don’t say anything about oil’.”
Well, they didn’t laugh, and I was a bit surprised. Of course at the time, the Indians didn’t think it was funny either. **
Historic quotes from Will Rogers: (immediately after the 1928 election)
“FOR SALE: Would like to sell, trade, dispose of or give away to right parties franchise of what is humorously known as Democratic Party. Said franchise calls for license to enter in national elections; said right of franchise is supposed to be used every four years, but if intelligent parties had it they would let various elections go by default when understood they had no chance.
If in right hands and only used in times when it had an “issue” or when Republican Party had split, think it could be made to pay, but present owners have absolutely no business with it. Under present management they have killed off more good men than (railroad) grade crossings have.” DT #712, Nov. 7, 1928
“Offers pouring in all day for the purchase of the Democrats. All want the title, but no one wants any of the cast.” DT #713, Nov. 8, 1928
** Note: I added several of Will Rogers’ quotes about real estate on this web site. Click on “Quotes”, then “Real Estate”.
If you’re interested in reading and seeing more about Will Rogers Days, go to and click on “What’s New”, then “Large Turnout Pays Homage to Will Rogers”. This is a news report about the birthday events Nov. 4 at Claremore and Oologah. The story does not mention me (I had no official role in the festivities), but I took all ten photos which illustrate it.