Historic election may yield surprise winner
#524 November 9, 2008
COLUMBUS: Those of us lucky enough to live in America witnessed an election of historic proportions. As recently as two years ago, no one gave Senator Obama much chance to be nominated, let alone win the Presidency. And at the same time, Senator McCain was seldom mentioned among the Republican contestants.
Just like 1932, the loser Tuesday may have been the winner.
Among those cheering hordes of people in Chicago and at the White House Tuesday night were a fair number who were lining up early for their rebate checks. Well, once Mr. Obama meets with the Mr. Bush and is shown the true state of our overdrawn bank account, those 95 percent expecting a payment may be in for a long wait.
The change in Washington included an announcement by Robert Byrd, the 91-year old West Virginia Senator. He’s stepping down as Chairman of the Appropriations Committee, “A new day has dawned in Washington, and it’s time to make way for new, younger, leadership”. He will be replaced by Hawaii Senator Inouye, who is only 84. You may be thinking, after the bailout there won’t be any money left to appropriate. Well, don’t be surprised if Sen. Inouye digs up a few dollars for bridges to connect the various islands of Hawaii.
Next week I’ll tell you about spending Election Day in Oklahoma. Compared to the rest of you, it was a rare experience: the state voted Republican.
Historic quotes from Will Rogers:
[to the Republican candidate] “There was nothing personal in the vote against you. You just happened to be associated with a political party that the people had just lost their taste for… The people just wanted to buy something new, and they didn’t have any money to buy it with. But they could go out and vote free, and get something new for nothing. So cheer up. You don’t know how lucky you are.” DT #1955, Nov. 9, 1932
“If your side lost, don’t take it too much to heart. Remember there is always this difference between us and Italy. In Italy, Mussolini runs the country. But here the country runs the President.” DT #1954, Nov. 8, 1932
“As you read this our two Presidents will be as nervous over their meeting as a couple of debutantes. Well, we all hope some good comes from their meeting, and in fact we hope some money comes out of it, too.” DT #1965, Nov. 21, 1932
“In this country, people don’t vote for; they vote against.” Radio, June 9, 1935
“We are a funny people. We elect our Presidents, be they Republican or Democrat, then go home and start daring ’em to make good.” DT # 2700, April 1, 1935