Democrats are gathering in Chicago for an unusual convention. It won’t be as wild as their convention 100 years ago. That one lasted 17 days and took 103 ballots before finally agreeing on John W. Davis as their nominee to take on Calvin Coolidge in 1924. I guarantee if this one goes even close to 17 days, the pro-Hamas protesters/rioters will tire out, leave Chicago, and return to college campuses to harass Jewish students.
You may recall that a month ago, Joe Biden was the nominee for a second term. He won all the primaries, without any real competition. And as recent as three months ago, he was being encouraged to drop Kamala Harris as VP and pick someone more competent.
Then Biden dropped out (forced out?), Kamala Harris was designated as his replacement, and the process of reinventing her began. She is already the “Czar of AI” (Artificial Intelligence) and is using it to the full extent. She still looks the same, even more joyful and beautiful, but her policies and deeply held beliefs have been turned 180 degrees. At least until November 5. Then the AI-generated Harris 2.0 will revert to the original Kamala of San Francisco, California.
After more than three weeks of ignoring the press, Kamala Harris promised a few key items for her “Opportunity Economy.” She will give first-time home buyers $25,000. That will have the same effect on house prices that generous student loans have had on college tuition.
Then she pointed out that food prices have jumped since Trump left office, specifically eggs and ground beef up 50%. That comment immediately caused Democrat voters to wonder, if Trump had been reelected would food costs have stayed low?
She plans to have the federal government control the price of food. She claims that Kroger, Aldi, and other grocery chains are making outlandish profits. She was reminded their profits are usually less than 3%. So, having learned that economics lesson, she may force grocers to pay their suppliers less. She wants farmers to get less money for cattle, hogs, chickens, and major crops such as wheat. After all, if the price of a loaf of bread is going to be set at $1.00, the farmer shouldn’t get more than a nickel for the wheat. That’s bad for the farmer, but worse for the rest of us. The bakeries will decide they will lose money at $1.00 a loaf, so they will shut down, laying off thousands of employees (who are making $20.00/hr thanks to a recent increase to cover inflation). At the local grocery store, the shelves in the bread aisle will remind us of Venezuela.
Maybe if Harris becomes President, she can go after successful companies with higher profit margins. I read that Apple makes over 25% profit. Instead of attacking food producers, how about setting the maximum price of an I-phone (and the same for Samsung and others) at $500. Having no new phones would get a howl from 300 million people quicker than going without bread.
I promised a couple of questions for Republican candidate, Donald Trump. You want to deport about 10 million people who came here illegally under Biden. For ICE to accomplish this in 4 years would require about 30 to 40 plane loads of illegal aliens leaving every day for countries around the world. How do you plan to do this, and where will they go? Suggestion: the first planes should haul away the hundreds of shyster lawyers who argue that illegal aliens aren’t illegal.
You promise to bring down energy prices (gasoline, diesel, electricity). Are you sure the oil companies, for example, will be happy with $50 a barrel instead of $80?
While thousands of pro-Hamas protesters/rioters (most of them well paid) are harassing Democrats in Chicago, the Hamas top leaders are lounging in their Penthouse suites in Qatar. They are smiling, laughing, and enjoying the spectacle of the U.S. and European nations negotiating with Israel.
Hamas has no fear of losing because they hold dozens of hostages. The longer Hamas terrorists hide behind Gaza women and children, the higher the price tag (in Billions of dollars) and the number of Hamas prisoners Israel must release to get their citizens returned, alive or dead. President Biden sent Secretary Blinken to Qatar, probably to promise even more Billions for release of hostages, including a few Americans. As Will Rogers wrote about diplomacy in 1923, “Our foreign dealings are an open book, generally a check book.”
Historic quote by Will Rogers:
“You know I have often said in answer to inquiries as to how I got away with kidding some of our public men, that it was because I liked all of them personally, and that if there was no malice in your heart there could be none in your ‘Gags.’ And I have always said I never met a man I didn’t like.” WA #392, June 29, 1930