# 338, Oct. 8, 2004
COLUMBUS: The second debate just ended, and some folks are surprised the President did better. But Missouri is an hour early so he was awake tonight. He couldn’t get the debate changed to the lunch hour, so they compromised on 8 o’clock. Next week we’ll expect him to be even sharper because it’ll be in Arizona where they’ll start at 6.
It was a good debate tonight. The poll takers haven’t told us yet who won, but we pretty much know where they stand. The ranks of the so-called Undecided Voter are thinning. It’s down to about 6 in the whole country. And half of them must be in Ohio, the way the ads are still barking at us here.
The big chore facing the candidates isn’t to get people to decide who to vote for; it’s to convince ’em to vote at all. We know about half will vote. The challenge is to make sure it’s your half.
I’m heading to West Virginia, another one of these battleground states. The old state is all dressed up, looking mighty pretty. See, Martha Stewart arrived today, and they wanted to make a good impression.
Historic quote from Will Rogers:
“So much money is being spent on the campaigns that I doubt if either man, as good as they are, are worth what it will cost to elect them.” DT #687, Oct. 8, 1928
Some folks say I look like Will Rogers. And I give a lot of talks as Will Rogers that are entertaining and help people feel good about who they are and what they do. To hire me, call 614-876-6942