Weekly Comments Archive
Archived Issue
Sunday, September 26, 2021
ISSUE #1080
Don’t Blame a Horse in Texas

We have a mess at the border. And “mess” is too mild a word for the recent catastrophe at Del Rio, Texas.

You’ve heard elected officials use terms including “outraged,” “horrific images,” and “these people will pay.” And you know those quotes make sense if you’ve seen photos of 15,000 living in a hot, smelly, unsanitary, Covid-spreading campground along the Rio Grande.

But wait. Those comments were not about a photo of the disgusting conditions under and beside the bridge. No, those chaotic conditions had been ignored by officials and the media for two weeks. The photo that drew the harsh criticism was of a horse; a well-trained horse ridden by a skillful Border Patrol employee tugging at the shirtsleeve of an immigrant to keep him from exiting the river. In other words, doing their job of protecting our border.

Secretary of Homeland Security Mayorkas, who is in charge of the Border Patrol, was shocked by the “horrific image” even though both horse and rider were working exactly in accordance with their training manual. They were also rescuing immigrants from drowning.

Vice-President Kamala Harris, who is supposed to be in charge of the border, said she was “outraged” and it reminded her of the treatment of Native Americans and slaves. As soon as she learned about this embarrassment at the border, she rushed out of her Washington office, got on Air Force 2, and flew to… New York City. So, instead of standing beside her Border Patrol agents she preferred to sit beside the women on “The View.”

President Biden was asked about the mess at the border at a news conference. Instead of answering about the 15,000 in squalid conditions he angrily zeroed in on the mounted Border Agents saying, “those people will pay!” Fortunately, he did not take out his wrath on the horses or they would end up as equine filet on a Paris menu.

Will Rogers would be boiling mad at critics of the horses and experienced riders. Will said, “A man that don’t love a horse, there is something the matter with him. And if he has no sympathy for the man that does love horses then there is something worse the matter with him.” (WA #88, Aug. 17, 1924)

The only connection with horses most of these critics ever had was on a Merry-Go-Round. It is common sense that a person on a well-trained horse has an advantage over a person on foot. That’s why mounted officers are used to control crowds in New Orleans, Chicago, New York City and along our border.

Here’s a solution. Let the critics take the place of the Border Patrol and their horses. Let them stand there on the river bank and fend off the attackers with… well I don’t know what with. Maybe “diplomatic terminology.” Maybe have Congresswoman AOC in a white gown with “Tax the Immigrants” painted across the back. Even scarier, get Sen. Bernie Sanders to sit in a chair with his oversized mittens and yell at them, along with a masked Speaker Pelosi waving her arms.

However instead of scaring them away, they would hand them a “Welcome to the USA” bag of goodies and help them complete voter registration forms.

Of course, the real problem is that President Biden opened the border on January 20. But he says the border is NOT open. Well, no matter what our President and the Secretary of Homeland (In)security say in English, when it’s translated, the message is “Come on in, welcome to America!” And by golly, they have come! Over 200,000 a month and the rate is increasing.

You have heard the border chaos is because the Biden Administration is incompetent. But it’s not incompetence. It’s intentional. And Biden (and many Democrats in Washington) have disdain for anyone who tries to slow down or stop people from illegally entering our country. Remember, we welcome about a million immigrants, legally, every year. Apply for asylum in your home country and if you qualify, we’re glad to have you here.

In other news that you may have missed:

  • Russians conducted cyberattacks against agricultural co-ops, demanding millions of dollars ransom. Yes, agricultural businesses are included in the 16 that Biden told Putin were “off limits.”
  • Hunter Biden’s laptop computer included a vast amount of information and messages that tied his dad to lucrative deals with China. Now, YOU probably knew that last October (before the election), but 99% of our media, including Facebook, squashed that “News” claiming it was a Russian hoax.
  • Hundreds of our top female Olympic gymnasts were sexually abused by a team doctor at Michigan State University. Many reported the abuse to the FBI in 2015, but the agents ignored their claims. Finally, these young women got to report the abuse to a Congressional committee.
  • Hundreds of Americans are still held hostage by the Taliban. Thousands of Afghan citizens who helped us in the war are likely to be tortured and eventually executed.
  • Hours of previously hidden videotapes of the January 6th Capitol “invasion” show that the vast majority of people in the building acted more like tourists than insurrectionists. We’ve seen plenty of video of the bad actors previously.
  • China’s Communist Party is taking dead aim at Taiwan.
  • President Biden has had his wrist watch taken away. (Not really, but that would keep him from looking at it during solemn ceremonies.)

Historic quote by Will Rogers:

“Now there has been more said and written about Russia than there has been about Honesty in Politics and Farmers’ Relief, and there has been just as little done about it as about either of those two.” Letters of a Self-Made Diplomat to His President, Nov. 6, 1926


    Contact Randall Reeder