President Biden traveled to Philadelphia on Thursday to give a speech in front of Independence Hall. Most people who watched on television probably wanted to hear what he plans to do about high prices for food, gasoline, rent, college tuition and other necessities. Maybe touch on a solution to massive illegal immigration and the fentanyl crisis. Also, crime in our cities, including Philadelphia.
But he never got around to talking about those important issues. Instead, he launched into a fiery speech criticizing the 70 million “semi-fascists and extreme MAGAs” who voted for Trump in 2020. He seems opposed to the idea of making America great.
Now whether that’s a good strategy for Democrats in the November election, I’ve got my doubts. Do voters, even stanch Democrats, think inflation at 8% is better than 2%? Does $4.50 a gallon gasoline make your SUV run better than $2.50 gas? Do they want to keep parents from influencing their kids’ schools?
You may be surprised how many people like the idea of 2 million illegal immigrants a year wading across the Rio Grande. (For $5000 you would think the travel agent (Mexican Cartel) would at least provide a rowboat.) Even the Chamber of Commerce appreciates having more workers to fill the 11 million open jobs. Maybe it’s necessary since our life expectancy dropped by 3 years since 2019. After all, most of those illegal immigrants are strong young men. If we could only find a way to expel the drug dealers and gang members and keep those eager to work. On the other hand, there’s probably more people who want to shut down illegal immigration by completing a 30-ft wall.
The President criticized Republicans for wanting to take the country back to an earlier time. But I’m guessing that many of the 80 million who voted for Biden would prefer 2019 conditions over 2022.
The $10,000 gift President Biden announced for those who have not repaid their student loans is hotly debated. Senator Elizabeth Warren was on MSNBC praising the decision. You may remember she wanted $50,000 written off, not a piddlin’ $10,000. As she and the host discussed why this is such a great idea, she kept referring to the poor, hardworking baristas at Starbucks. That puzzled me. Why would anyone who borrowed tens of thousands of dollars to get a college education wind up in a job paying little more than minimum wage? Didn’t their college education prepare them for a career more substantial than one serving coffee? I think Sen. Warren should be encouraging those Starbucks baristas (and others with low-paying degrees) to sue their university for the $10,000 instead of begging the rest of us to pay for it.
In other education news, test scores dropped for third graders in math and reading. Many in Washington are bragging that this tidbit of bad news is offset by the fact that, compared to ten years ago, they are vastly more educated about pronouns, racial differences, and sex change options.
California provided us another example of why it’s called “the state of fruits and nuts.” (And I’m not referring to delicious oranges and almonds.) A state agency run by environmental bureaucrats announced that in 13 years, 100% of vehicles bought must be electric (currently only 12%). The next day, Governor Newsome asked the owners of EVs to avoid charging their vehicles because it’s hot. Since it’s highly doubtful by 2035 you can “fill up” an EV when it gets hot in Southern California (which only happens about 300 days a year) it would be wise to buy back-up transportation. Maybe a horse. Of course, a horse needs water, which could also be cut off.
Historic quotes by Will Rogers:
“The Democrats are better denouncers than the Republicans, for there has been so much more of the time that they have had practice at it. Denouncing is not only an art with the Democrats but it’s a profession.” WA #657, July 28, 1935
“The only salvation I can see for the young is to increase the college term to an additional four years… You’ll say, ‘Well, what could they learn in another four years?’ Well, there must be some little something about making a living that they haven’t learned yet, and they could kind of work on that for the next four years.” Radio, June 2, 1935