Weekly Comments Archive
Archived Issue
Sunday, July 26, 2020
ISSUE #1021
One less annoyance (or two). And the 1928 election

Columbus: We won’t have any political conventions to annoy us this summer.  Thank goodness! With the coronavirus from China, the killing of George Floyd, and the looters, arsonists and vandals hiding behind the skirts of peaceful protesters in our big cities we have had about as much annoyance as anyone can handle.

And as bad as these are, the constant bickering by both sides on these problems is even more annoying. Isn’t there anything we can agree on?

Attention is focused on Joe Biden as he prepares to announce his choice for Vice-President. I think we can all agree this is an important decision.

Normally no one cares about a V-P. (Can you name Hillary Clinton’s running mate in 2016?) This year is different. Joe Biden is old and a lot of folks, especially Republicans, question his physical and mental condition. He also has a commanding lead in the race for President. So, a lot of Americans, especially Democrats, expect the (Black?) woman Biden picks will become President, either during his term or in the 2024 election.

You may say, well, Trump is almost as old as Biden. True. Republicans have had 4 years to inspect V-P Mike Pence, so they aren’t worried about the prospects of a President Pence.

With no 2020 political conventions to write about, allow me to share a few comments by Will Rogers leading up to the 1928 election. The Democrats nominated former New York Governor, Al Smith.  Republicans nominated Herbert Hoover.  Can you name either running mate?

Historical quotes by Will Rogers: (on the 1928 election)

“Say, did you notice who the Democrats grabbed off for stage manager? They are finally getting some sense and quit trying to appeal to the poor people with poor people. They figured let us grab off some rich men and make our party look like somebody had something. There is nothing impresses the ‘common folk’ like somebody that ain’t common. This fellow [John Raskob] took General Motors when it was nothing but a few bent axles and some old carburetors and put it on Wall Street. Now, if he can combine all the loose nuts of the Democrats he is liable to repeat.” DT #612, July 12, 1928

“My old friend William Randolph White asked Al Smith a question and Al didn’t answer. When they get Al to hesitating on an answer, why he looks bad. Many a public man wishes there was a law to burn old records.” DT #627, July 30

“[Hoover] is busy shortening his acceptance speech. He is not going to promise as much as he first thought he would.” DT #631, Aug. 3

“[Hoover] says every man has the right to ask the following question: ‘Is the United States a better place for the average man to live in because the Republican Party has conducted the Government eight years?’ If we are privileged to ask the question, I will be the first to bite. Is it? In the first place, Herbert don’t know all about human nature, or he wouldn’t try to appeal to the average man. No man wants to admit that he is average.” DT #638, Aug. 12

“When the votes are counted this Fall every party man will be about where he generally is. No matter how bad any candidate is, he can’t possibly be as bad as the opposing party.  P. S. – Hoover will be here tomorrow. I hope he promises us Boulder Dam.” DT #641, Aug. 15

“Hoover opened his tour of one-nighters here tonight. He is breaking in the act that will either get him in the White House or into the most obsolete circle of all: men who have run for the Presidency. From now till November neither of the boys can be themselves. They are on parade. They are eating and sleeping in a show window. They are acting every minute.” DT #643, Aug. 17

“If we got one-tenth what was promised to us in these acceptance speeches there wouldn’t be any inducement to want to go to Heaven.” DT #645, Aug. 20, 1928


    Contact Randall Reeder