I referred to this last week. President Biden spoke to Congress on April 28, reporting on his first 100 days in office. You might say it was presented with Biden passion and sincerity, and delivered on a Sanders platform. He outlined three major bills that add up to $6 Trillion.
First, the American Rescue Plan. “One of the most consequential rescue packages in American history.”
Second, the American Jobs Plan, which was promoted as the Infrastructure bill, “a once-in-a-generation investment in America itself. The largest jobs plan since World War II.” The jobs are focused primarily on climate change. “Electrical workers installing 500,000 charging stations. Farmers planting cover crops, so they can reduce carbon dioxide in the air and get paid for doing it.”
Now, I can report that farmers who already plant crops without plowing, and then plant a cover crop after harvest, are applauding this plan. They know carbon dioxide is removed from the air because it is transformed into organic matter in the soil. Farming continuously without tilling fields will keep storing more carbon. And it will stay stored unless someone shows up with a plow.
Third, the American Families Plan, which “addresses four of the biggest challenges facing American families today.” I’ve got to admit when I heard it was a “family plan” with 4 parts, I thought of a comment you have probably read many times. Thinking of teenagers, the recommendation for an “American family” is 4 steps, in this order: Finish your education; get a job; get married; then have children (if you choose).
What the President has in mind includes the first step: adding pre-school for 3- and 4- year-olds, then adding two years of free community college. His second point relates more to jobs; providing free child care for 3-month to 2-yr olds so Moms can get back to work. His third point gives Moms and Dads three months of paid leave to stay home with the baby, then the baby qualifies for the free child care. And fourth, the government will pay each child a salary of $3000 a year until they finish the 2 years of free community college. (Ok, it’s a tax credit.)
How does President Biden plan to pay for the extra $6 trillion in expenses? He started out by assuring 99% of Americans it will not cost them a dime. Rich people and big corporations will pay the entire cost. And they won’t complain about paying their fair share. See, up to now, they have been living off the 99%. Biden said, “We’re going to reward work, not wealth.”
And until September, he also plans to reward not working.
He said, “Look, I’m not out to punish anyone.” Of course not. According to the President, big companies like Walmart, Amazon, Ford, and John Deere won’t even notice a 20% reduction in profits. And any family making over $400,000 won’t see any change in their lifestyle, except they might sell their yacht or vacation home. And the rest of us, the 99%, we will prosper. Paraphrasing Margaret Thatcher, we will prosper until we run out of other people’s money.
President Biden commented on a lot of other topics: Covid vaccine shots; the $1400 stimulus checks; immigration; guns; and elections.
And since he was speaking in the Capitol, he referred to the January 6 insurrection. President Trump failed to adequately protect the Capitol ahead of time, did not call up National Guard reinforcements, and did not command his supporters to stay away. Instead, for about 5 hours, a mass of Trump supporters caroused through the Capitol, yelling threats, breaking windows, stealing Speaker Pelosi’s computer, and injuring officers. There was over a million dollars damage.
President Biden said, “Lives were lost.” Yes, five people died. Four because of health issues, and a protester was shot by police as she tried to break through a door. Trump has paid a price since January 6. He was forced off Twitter.
President Biden ended on an optimistic note, “There is nothing we can’t do if we do it together.”
Now, I have attempted to present the President’s points accurately, as I did last week with the rebuttal by Sen. Scott. If you agree with his spend and tax plan, that’s fine. If you disagree, don’t yell at the messenger.
Updating to May 7… The Jobs Report for April showed people prefer getting $15 an hour from the government instead of working for it. The only way employers can get their workers back is to pay them more than $15. That’s the indirect way for Senator Sanders, who lost the nomination to Biden, to get the minimum wage increased from $10. So, does that make him the winner?
(I’m writing this on Saturday night, so we can celebrate Mothers’ Day without politics. We’ve got enough to worry about with that Chinese rocket dropping out of the sky. If you are reading this on Sunday morning…it landed somewhere else.)
Historic quote by Will Rogers:
“These people that you are asked to aid, why they are not asking for charity, they are naturally asking for a job, but if you can’t give them a job why the next best thing you can do is see that they have food and the necessities of life. You know, there’s not a one of us has anything that these people that are without it now haven’t contributed to what we’ve got. I don’t suppose there is the most unemployed or the hungriest man in America (who has not) contributed in some way to the wealth of every millionaire in America.” Radio, Oct 18, 1931