Weekly Comments Archive
Archived Issue
Sunday, November 29, 2020
ISSUE #1039
Presidents in Transition; Will’s Statues in danger

Thanksgiving is over and we’re in a Christmas mood. In the spirit of the season I’ll follow a suggestion from a good friend who said, why don’t you lay off Biden and Trump for a while and ride a fresh horse.

Another friend, a fine Democrat in Oklahoma, (yes, there are still a lot of wonderful Democrats in Oklahoma but here lately they’ve been outnumbered.) Well, this friend kinda scolded me for not insisting that Trump open up the White House to Biden’s folks so they could prepare for the transition. Amazingly, before I could send a telegram to Trump, he had already done it! Immediately, Mr. Biden jumped on Amtrak in Wilmington. He took his bicycle so he could ride from the Station to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. That’s his subtle hint to John Kerry.

The transition team has serious work to do. Since the Blue states won out over Red states, anything in the White House with even a hint of red has to go. The red towels with tiny elephants in the President’s private bathroom will be replaced by blue ones with donkeys. The red Fiesta dinnerware from West Virginia will be replaced with fine China from… China.  Their red-to-blue fixation may show some hope of reconciliation–right there in Nature–when they get to the Rose Garden.

Democrats complain about Trump’s lawyers filing lawsuits over election results in Pennsylvania, Georgia, and other states. Most folks, including Republicans, admit there aren’t enough miscounted ballots to erase a Biden-Harris lead. The time to insist that election officials across the country clean up their voter registration lists and eliminate fraud is after you’ve WON the election, not lost it. See, when you’ve lost, if you complain and sue ‘em, they just think it’s sour grapes and they don’t take you seriously. After the 2016 election is when Trump should have jumped on all the states to root out cheaters, dead voters, and registration errors. Not 2020.

Here’s a question from a reader: What would happen if ANTIFA tried to tear down a Will Rogers statue? If she’s referring to one where I’m riding my favorite horse, Soapsuds, they had better not approach from the rear. Soapsuds might just haul off and kick the snot out of ‘em. From any other direction, my right arm holding a lasso may come to life and I’ll rope and hold ‘em till the Police show up. If they haven’t been Defunded.

On the other hand, a statue of me without a horse is less at risk from ANTIFA than from Speaker Nancy Pelosi. You may recall a few months ago she removed from the Capitol Rotunda any statue of a Confederate officer or slave owner. Well, I’m still there, in a wide hallway favored by TV newscasters, right outside the main entrance to the House. So please don’t tell her my full name is William Penn Adair Rogers. My Dad named me after a famous Colonel in the Confederate Army that he served under. If she finds out, I may be battered into tiny pieces scattered over the marble floor. So if you’re watching a TV news interview of a Congressman and you don’t see me, but the microphone picks up crunching sounds of bronze on marble as other folks walk by, you may rightly suspect I’m just another casualty of 2020.

Historic quotes by Will Rogers:

“Herbert [Hoover] has invited Franklin [Roosevelt] down to see him. Now, on the face of it, that looks like the last word in hospitality. But let’s look that gift horse in the face. Is Herbert just crazy about Franklin? No, prominent men are never crazy about each other.” DT #1959, Nov. 14, 1932

“Here is one thing I want somebody to explain to me: Why is it, during a campaign, after a campaign, or at any other time, why can’t our Presidents speak of each other by name and say, ‘Well, I wish Mr. So-and-so well. He is a fine man and will make you a good President.’ Or, to have the victor say, ‘He had a hard time, and did the very best he could have under the circumstances.’ Even small-town Mayors have been known to speak of each other complimentary, but if Presidents ever did, I think we would drop dead.” DT #2038, Feb. 14, 1933 (FDR was inaugurated March 4, 1933)


    Contact Randall Reeder