Weekly Comments Archive
Archived Issue
Sunday, July 28, 2024
ISSUE #1217
Trump-Vance vs. Harris-???. Did Will Rogers really get more votes than Kamala Harris?

Will Rogers joked on different occasions, “I’m not a member of any organized political party… I’m a Democrat.”

Then he would follow with a serious point, “But really, I don’t take sides with anybody politically. I kid those folks. But I know that they all get in there and do the best they can. None of ‘em from any party are going to purposely ruin the country.”

Will wrote in 1928, “The Parties will never be changed as long as we live, for you can’t change human nature.” (WA #278, Apr. 22, 1928) I think Will was too optimistic. The Democratic party of Harry Truman and John F. Kennedy is not the same party today. Republicans have also changed.

Will walked a fine line, often using humor to make a serious point, “I certainly know that a comedian can only last till he either takes himself serious or his audience takes him serious, and I don’t want either one of those to happen to me till I am dead, if then.” DT #1538, June 28, 1931

So, I’m going out on a limb tonight with my observations about Kamala Harris. If you disagree, don’t blame Will.

We always heard about political deals made in a “Smoke-filled room”. This time I think the deal was made in a Ladies Powder room.

Democrats claim that Republicans, especially Trump, are a “threat to democracy.” So various Democrat leaders forced out Joe Biden, who received 14,000,000 votes in the 2024 primaries, and anointed Kamala Harris, who received zero. Was that “preserving democracy?” When she ran for President in 2020, she received no votes in a primary and none at the Democratic National convention.

V-P Harris is so determined to win Michigan and Minnesota with the Palestinian vote, I’m surprised she hasn’t named Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib as her running mate.

She may go against the DEI defining principles of the Democratic Party and name a white man. But not a Jew. Preferably someone non-religious (except Muslim). You will remember, as a Senator she voted against Amy Coney Barrett for Supreme Court because she was religious.

She wants to eliminate ICE, the agency responsible for deporting immigrants who are here illegally, comparing ICE to the Ku Klux Klan.

She wants to eliminate “fracking.” Hydraulic fracturing of gas and oil wells has been common for more than 60 years, making our major energy supply more economical. After eliminating fracking, she wants to eliminate all fossil fuels. She broke a tie vote in the Senate that approved the $750 Billion (misnamed) Inflation Reduction Act. And if Sen. Joe Manchin hadn’t resisted for months, it would have cost twice as much.

She claims that defunding police makes cities safer. She wants to take meat off the “food pyramid” and ban plastic straws.

Does she support Israel? She blames Israel for failing to get over a hundred hostages released (including 8 Americans) rather than blaming Hamas and Iran. She wants a “cease fire” instead of encouraging Israel to wipe out Hamas terrorists.

Kamala Harris is a strong Liberal from San Francisco. I have good friends in San Francisco, from both Parties. Some love her and can’t wait to vote for her again. Others see her in the same vein as ousted district attorney Chesa Boudin, Gov. Newsome, who is bankrupting the state, and former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who has enriched herself. Her parents are natives of India and Jamacia. Both were professors at Stanford University.

Surprise!! Will Rogers received more delegate votes at a Democratic National Convention than Kamala Harris has. She ran in 2020 and got zero votes.

At the 1932 Democratic Convention Will Rogers got 22 votes on the sixth day. (Read Will’s version of that day below.)

Historic quote by Will Rogers:

        “Politics ain’t on the level.  I was only in ’em for an hour but in that short space of time somebody stole 22 votes from me. I was sitting there in the press stand asleep and wasn’t bothering a soul when they woke me up and said Oklahoma had started me on the way to the White House with 22 Votes.

          I dropped off to sleep again, and that’s when somebody touched me for my whole roll, took the whole 22 votes, didn’t even leave me a vote to get breakfast on.

Course I realize now that I should have stayed awake and protected my interest, but it was the only time I had ever entered national politics and I didn’t look for the boys to nick me so quick.  Course I should have had a manager but the whole thing come on me so sudden and I was so sleepy. No man can listen to thirty-five nominating speeches and hold his head up.  And I am sure some of these that did the nominating can never hold theirs up again.

Now I don’t want you to think that I am belittling the importance of those 22 votes. They was worth something there at that time. Not in money, mind you, for there is not $2.80 in the whole convention. 

But they buy ’em with promises of offices. I expect at that minute Roosevelt’s bunch would have given me Secretary of State for that 22. And I could have sold Al Smith for maybe Mayor of New York. Ritchie would have given me the whole State of Maryland with the Vice Presidency thrown in just for amusement sake.

And what do I do? Go to sleep and wake up without even the support of the Virgin Islands.”  Article #6, Democratic Convention, July 2,1932


    Contact Randall Reeder