Weekly Comments Archive
Archived Issue
Monday, June 3, 2024
ISSUE #1209
Weekly Comments:  Celebrate June. A Family Gathering.  Other News  

June is a month for celebration. Eat ice cream, drink a big glass of chocolate milk, enjoy a double-cheese burger, and add real cream to a bowl of strawberries. Yes, June is National Dairy Month. It has been celebrated since 1939.

Yesterday, our family had a celebration of a different kind. Every year a lot of cousins and “semi-related” wonderful people on my mom’s side of the family gather on a hill at Wildcat, West Virginia. On the first Sunday in June we hold our own “Decoration Day”, placing flowers on graves (and flags for veterans) in the Lowther Cemetery. And we celebrate with food. Plenty of home-grown dishes prepared from old family recipes. Yum.

Has your life improved in the last few weeks? While that may seem like an odd question, think about it. Has the cost of groceries for your family decreased? How about a hamburger meal at Wendy’s or McDonald’s? Is it cheaper to fill your gas tank or to pay your car insurance? Is your rent (or mortgage payment) less?

I’m guessing your answers are: no, no, no, no, and no. So, while inflation was the big story in our lives, what was the big story for the national News? The Stormy Daniels/Donald Trump trial fascinated TV Network commentators. The ending reminded me of a Jerry Lewis Labor Day weekend telethon: “We just raised One Hundred Fifty Million Dollars!”

The Donald Trump trial ended just in time for the Hunter Biden trial to begin. As with Trump, it’s easy to predict the verdict based on the location. Hunter will be found innocent of all charges in Wilmington, Delaware. That trial will end just in time for the June 27 debate on CNN, Donald Trump vs. Joe Biden. Or, as a comedian dubbed it, “Convicted Felon vs. Confirmed Senile.”

Historical quotes by Will Rogers:

“It’s no disgrace not to be able to run a country nowadays, but it is a disgrace to keep on trying when you know you can’t.” Letters of a Self-Made Diplomat to his President. 1926

“We are a good-natured bunch of saps in this country… When a judge convicts a murderer that’s cruelty… Everything is cockeyed, so what’s the use kidding ourselves.” DT #1226, June 30, 1930


    Contact Randall Reeder