(It’s all Will Rogers this week…)
Historic quotes by Will Rogers:
“I didn’t know that Christmas did mean so much till you have to spend one away off like this from home.” DT #1693, Dec. 27,1931
“Christmas finds the following watching to see if there really is a Santa Claus. Ten thousand Republican [Democrats?] candidates (looking for) for Cabinet jobs are beginning to have grave doubts. And 14,000,000 Democrats [Republicans?] say it may be Christmas to some people, but it’s just the 25th of some month for them.” DT #751, Dec. 23, 1928
“I bought some mechanical and electric things for the kids and wore ‘em out playing with ‘em myself. Don’t forget to lay by a few presents today for those who you didn’t think would send you anything. You may not have to use ‘em anyway.” DT #120, Dec. 23, 1926
“Men, act surprised this morning as if you didn’t know the tie was coming.” DT #121, Dec. 24, 1926
“Well, the neckties were all red and the sox were all too small. So, there is practically nothing I can do but just sit and wait for another holiday.” DT #441, Dec. 25, 1927
“Generally speaking, we do have good cheer in our hearts on Christmas. ‘Course, we can’t hardly wait till the day is over and to get back to our devilment again.” DT # 1379, Dec. 24, 1930
“Kids are getting too wise. Why I was a big old chuckle-headed Nestor maybe ten years old before I really even suspicioned that our old friend of the long whiskers wasn’t delivering into my stocking every Christmas morning the sack of candy, horn, and cap pistol… It would be all right if we could again believe in Santa Claus. But our smartness has defeated our own happiness… They talk about Civilization. Say, there ain’t no civilization where there ain’t no satisfaction, and that’s what’s the trouble now, nobody is satisfied.” WA #367, Jan. 5, 1030
“Best story in the paper today, and there was many of fine charitable acts on Christmas. Away out on the Escalante Desert between Los Angeles and Salt Lake. I have flown over it many times, it’s one of the most desolate places you ever saw. One lonely ranch, the father had died and the mother and a whole house full of children live there. Well, the pilots on the Western air run took up a purse of $80 and got the children clothes and toys, and then flew low on Christmas day and dropped ‘em. What a godsend the plane and the radio is to out‑of‑the‑way places.” DT 1995, Dec. 26, 1932
“Well, Christmas has passed. I was just thinking if there was some way to make the Christmas spirit continue during the other days of the year, why we would be the most happy and wonderful Nation on Earth. Gosh, if all of us that was able would just feed and do things for folks without waiting till Christmas.” WA #628, Jan 6 1935