Weekly Comments Archive
Archived Issue
Sunday, October 5, 2003
ISSUE #292
Will chooses baseball over politics

# 292, October 5, 2003

COLUMBUS: The Chicago Cubs put baseball back on the front page tonight. Football gets page 2, and you’ll find Politics on the back of the Society section.

The Cubs beat Atlanta which means they might even get on the Weather page. For 95 years everyone said when the Cubs win in October, it’ll be a cold day…

They take on one of the Florida teams next. I think it’s the Marlins but it could be the Dolphins or Gators. The Red Sox hope to win tomorrow and then take on the Yankees. If you think baseball is taking some crazy bounces, wait till you hear what the Cleveland Browns did to the Steelers in football tonight. The Browns hadn’t won in Pittsburgh in what seemed like 95 years.

If you don’t care about sports you still have the California Governor’s race to cheer about. Arnold got so much attention this week from various women that Gray Davis was thinking maybe he should pinch a few just to get his name back in the news.

Several women have claimed that Arnold acted inappropriately. And he admitted to bad behavior of a sexual nature, which seems to me like a ploy to draw more Democrat votes. He blamed it on his early Hollywood days, which apparently lasted till about three years ago.

Personally, I’m outraged. He’s giving Hollywood a bad name, and nobody is standing up to defend the high moral character of that fine community. Just think, it has taken Hollywood some eighty years to establish a reputation, and Arnold is allowed to blemish our image for mere political gain.

There are 135 names on the ballot, and 15 million Californians have had two months to pick one and learn how to punch out a small hole in front of it. I figure I’ll get as many votes accidentally as about 130 of them will on purpose. Remember my campaign promise: “Elect Rogers and He Will Resign”.

The “Do not call list” went into effect this week. The telemarketers got a few judges to say it’s all right for them to call you anyway. Their legal argument is that it is not fair that 6 million telephone marketers have nobody to talk to but each other.

If you are one of the 50 million on that list, and you want to share your feelings personally with the Telemarketers Association, here is their phone number: 317-816-9336. They prefer that you call during regular business hours, so you don’t interrupt their dinner.

Historic quote from Will Rogers:

“My idea of the height of conceit would be a political speaker that would go on the air when that world series is on.” DT #683, Oct. 3, 1928

“You hear ten people ask, ‘Who is going to pitch for the Yankees tomorrow?’ where you don’t hear one ask, ‘Who is going to be elected?'” DT #675, Sept. 24, 1928


    Contact Randall Reeder