During Day 3 at the 1924 Democratic Convention, there was nothing but boring, repetitive speeches. Will Rogers decided to provide his own content for his daily newspaper article by offering himself for Vice President. Kinda like today, no one wanted to be V-P. Three potential ones listed by Trump immediately refused the offer. I doubt if Sanders would accept a similar offer from Hillary Clinton either. In 1924, three Republicans turned down the “opportunity” to be V-P before Charles Dawes accepted. And for the Democrats, Charles Bryan became the V-P candidate only after one had refused the nomination.
Here are excerpts from Will’s article, June 26, 1924:
“Every man that wants to run at all wants to be President… So I just held a caucus with myself and said somebody has got to be sacrificed for the sake of party harmony. I hereby put myself in nomination, and to save some other man being humiliated by having to put me in nomination, why, I will just nominate myself… I think any fair-minded man will give me serious consideration. But the trouble is there are not any fair-minded men in politics.
They have got to nominate a farmer who understands the farmers’ condition. Well, I got two farms in Oklahoma, both mortgaged, so no man knows their condition better than I do. He has to be a man from the West. Well, if a man came from any further West than I lived last year, he would have to be a fish in the Pacific Ocean.
Another big reason why I should be nominated is I am not a Democrat. Another still bigger reason why I should be nominated is I am not a Republican.
I am just progressive enough to suit the dissatisfied. And lazy enough to be a Stand Patter.
When the President can’t go anywhere, why, the Vice President has to go and speak or eat for him. Now, I could take in all the dinners, for I am a fair eater. I could say, ‘I am sorry the President can’t come, but he had pressing business.’ Of course, I wouldn’t tell the reason why he didn’t come, so I am just good enough liar to be a good Vice President.
Of course, I have no dress suit [tuxedo]. The Government would have to furnish me a dress suit. If I went to a dinner in a rented one, they would mistake me for a Congressman.
I know I can hear a lot of you all say, ‘Yes, Will, you would make a good Vice President, but suppose something happened to the President?’ Well, I would do just like Mr. Coolidge; I would go in there and keep still and say nothing. He is the first President to discover that what the American people want is to be left alone.
P.S. I was born in a Log Cabin.