Did you watch the Benghazi Committee interview Hillary Clinton? Who do you think came out ahead?
Chances are, if you’re a Democrat the clear winner was the former Secretary of State. She was calm, responded to all inquiries, could not be rattled by blatantly unfair questions, and looked Presidential.
If you’re a Republican, Hillary lost, big time. She was oblivious to repeated pleas by Ambassador Stevens for more protection, misled the public about the cause of the attack, and lied to the families of the four murdered Americans.
If you’re the FBI…well, we’ll have to wait awhile for their opinion. The FBI works behind closed doors, not on live television. They are still recovering deleted files from the email server in the Clinton basement. The main question for the FBI: did she have classified documents on an unprotected server?
One thing that both Republicans and Democrats agree on is that Hillary Clinton is a liar. Republicans keep pounding on the lies; more than half of the American public calls her a liar; and Democrats say, “So what?”
Meanwhile, the Justice Department investigating the IRS says that Lois Lerner’s treatment of conservative non-profit organizations was a result of poor judgement, mismanagement, and perhaps incompetence, but it was not a crime. To use the President’s words, there was not a smidgen of evidence against her.
Republicans debate for the third time Wednesday night. They still have 14 candidates, although four of them will be relegated to the preliminary round. It might be fun to count the number of lies told by the 14. The next Democratic debate will be Nov. 14 in Iowa. They are down to three candidates, so there are lecterns available for any worthy Democrats who want to battle it out with Clinton, Sanders, and O’Malley.
Historic quotes by Will Rogers:
“Many a politician wishes there was a law to burn old records.” DT #627, July30, 1928
“If you ever injected truth into politics you have no politics.” WA # 31, July 15, 1923